Sunday, February 27, 2011


This past Thursday my husband and I were kidnapped! Well... not really so dramatic as that but let me tell you what happened. A couple of weeks ago one of the women of the church asked if she and another woman could meet with my husband and I on a certain date at a certain time to talk about some things. This wasn't an unusual request so we set up the appointment.

On the appointed day and time I looked out our front window to see an enormous Hummer pull into the driveway and the two ladies hop out of it. They came to the door and asked if we were ready. I asked where we were going and all they would tell us was that there was someone who we needed to talk to and they were taking us to them.

 So we drove and drove on this mysterious journey until we pulled up to a group of beautiful cottages overlooking the ocean. One of the women said she would see if it was alright to go inside now and she went inside the cottage while the rest of us waited in the Hummer. She quickly returned and asked my husband and I to go in the cottage first. Once we were inside we saw candles and a bottle of non-alcoholic wine and glasses on the table, rose petals scattered everywhere and a fire in the fireplace. We didn't see anyone else there so we turned to ask what was going on and she handed us a key and said we will be back to pick you up in two days.

 They had asked our kids to pack our clothes for us and had brought them earlier and they had put food in the fridge and cupboard, so we had everything we needed. The cottage had no phone and we had no vehicle. We were stranded and it was wonderful! We spent the next two days enjoying each other's company and marveling at what a wonderful congregation we have.

 February is Pastor's Wife Appreciation month and on our last Women's Ministries night the ladies showed their appreciation with a beautiful unity candle ceremony as well as giving me six bowls to my set of china. I was well pleased and thought the celebration was over but I was fooled. We have been blessed to have been placed here, by the Lord, to pastor these people. There is a great sense of unity and fellowship amongst the people who call Island Gospel Tabernacle their home church, especially the women. My husband and I were able to get refreshed and renewed in our spirits. We had been tired but after our 'kidnapping' we feel on top of our game so to speak once again.

If you have a pastor's wife please take the time to show your appreciation for her. It may not be as dramatic or costly as a 'kidnapping' experience but a card or flowers work nicely too. Maybe taking her in a few meals so she doesn't have to cook. Look for creative ways to let her know that you appreciate her working side by side with her husband. Not only will you be blessing her but you will in turn be blessing her husband, your pastor, too.

I love the ladies the Lord has asked me to minister to and something like this only makes me love them more and want to work with them more for the King.

1 comment

  1. " What an Awesome God We Serve.....There is No End To His Grace & Mercy....It's Easy to Be Good To Such a Special Couple God Has Blessed US With !! "
