Saturday, November 16, 2013

Here Am I, Send Me: Starley and Fayth

We are blessed in our church to have two little girls who want to serve. They want to go everywhere their mamas go so when a work bee is called at the church, they come along. But these children don't just fool around or run off and play while their mothers are working, no, they are heard asking 'what can I do?' or 'Miss Laurie, what can I do now?' and we have to find a job for them to do. They are never told that they're too young to be involved or that this is grown-up work, instead we appreciate their willingness to serve.

We recently installed hardwood flooring in the sanctuary of our church and when it was all finished we called a work bee to put the pews back in place. Many people didn't come to help. Some were busy. Some had to work at their jobs. Some were away. But I believe that many didn't come because they knew they couldn't physically lift pews so they thought they weren't needed. Starley and Fayth don't think that way. They come anyway and ask to be put to work. They enjoy it and think that its 'fun' to be a part of a work bee. Fayth wasn't able to be with us at this particular work bee but she is at every other one. Starley was there, involved in it all.

Not only did we lift pews today but we also swept the floor, mopped the floor, measured the distance between the pews, washed down the pews, dusted the piano and window ledges, folded up cardboard and took out the trash. We straightened the hymn books and vacuumed the platform carpet. We had a lot of work to do besides lifting heavy pews. In other words, there is always something that you can do and if you have a willing heart to serve, you will seek out jobs to be done.

Not everyone can lift heavy pews. My husband shouldn't because he has herniated discs in his back, but today he had to with us women and another man helping. It's not important what you can do as long as you are willing. Everyone, regardless of physical ability, can hold a dust cloth and make a dusty piano look better. Many people can still use a broom and sweep the floor without difficulty. If we would each have the outlook as Isaiah did when he said in Isaiah 6:8 'here am I, send me', the work of the Kingdom would be accomplished.

I am so thankful that Starley and Fayth's mothers are teaching their daughters by example to work for the Lord. May we all find such work to be 'fun' as these precious girls do. Here am I, send me.

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