Sunday, July 26, 2015

Summertime in the Country

It's Sunday afternoon, mid July, and it's warm outside. As I sit on my swinging chair under the big spruce tree the occasional car drives by but other than that there are no other man made sounds to disturb my day. Behind me a lazy bumble bee is gathering nectar from the purple 'weeds' I purposely didn't mow down with my Whipper Snipper. The song birds are singing their songs in the apple tree.  To my right two little sparrows are eating the seed the bigger birds have knocked down from the bird feeders hung up in the tree. Maggie, one of the Bassets, is stretched out beside me on the swing and Duke, the other one is following the scent of a field mouse by the fence. Every once in awhile, Lilly Rose, the Cocker, gives in to her birding instincts and gives chase to the sparrows who are gathered beneath the tree on the ground. Yes, all is peaceful. It's beautiful and I am so thankful to be in this place at this time. God has blessed me with this day. I WILL rejoice and be glad in it.

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