Tuesday, July 19, 2016

The Girls Road Trip

I'm in Prince Edward Island right now on a girls' road trip. My daughter, Alannah, my daughter-in-law, Gabrielle and myself left early Monday morning from home and headed to PEI to visit with my sister Melanie and her husband Glenn for a couple days. We arrived last night and today we visited shops on a boardwalk and several antique stores. We ate a Cow's ice cream and had our pictures taken next to a bronze statue of Sir John A. MacDonald, Canada's first prime minister. We walked Buddy, my sister's dog, through the woods to a beautiful brook and watched him happily splash in the water. 

Tomorrow we are meeting my other sister, Susan, for coffee and heading to New Brunswick. We will stay at a hotel in Moncton overnight and plan to see the zoo Thursday morning. Alannah will stay behind in Moncton while Gabrielle and I travel on to Sussex to stay with my son, Benjamin and his wife Laverne. Then on Saturday our adventure ends as we head back to Nova Scotia. 

I'm thankful for this time that we can take off and travel together. I hope you enjoy the pictures.

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