Thursday, December 9, 2010

A Date With My Hubby

I have a date with my husband tomorrow and I am so excited. It may not be the candlelight and roses type of date but it is still going to be a special time. We will be away from the interruptions of phones, computers, TV and dogs and regular everyday chores that need to be done for a whole 6 1/2 hrs!! Tomorrow we are gift wrapping for donations at Wilsons. Just the two of us, side by side, together. We have 6 1/2 hours to talk and laugh together and just be in each others company. I'm looking forward to it.

We have been married for 25 yrs and we dated before that for almost 5 yrs but we still enjoy being together. We are busy people so we try to find moments to be together. Whether it is a drive to the grocery store or wrapping gifts together we cherish those times because we can be together. Sometimes people have this idea that a 'date' has to be super planned out and that's great if you have the time to do it but you can have a special candlelight and soft music type of date and never really connect. Or you can have a $1.50 hot chocolate date with your hubby and spend an hour really talking. Those are the best kind of dates.

Life is made up of moments. Little moments that mean something, times when you truly connect. Whether its a look or a touch, its a connection. The Song of Solomon is one of my favourite books of the Bible. Just look at how the writer describes the love that can be had between a married couple:
  "You have ravished My heart, My spouse; you have ravished My heart with one of your eyes."
Son 4:9

Look for the moments in your life. Look for those connections and cherish them in your heart. Store them up and mediate on them because they are gifts given to you by your Heavenly Father to bring you joy. Every relationship can be strengthened if you cherish the moments when you really connect, no matter what it is that you find yourself doing. May God bless your relationships!

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