Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Oh My Tongue!

The book of James tells us that our tongue is going to get us in trouble. James actually spends quite a long time talking about it and if you haven't read the small book of James, you probably should. He compares how our tongue is like a rudder that steers a large ship and how it is like a small bit in a mouth of a large horse. He even says our tongue is like a small spark that starts a wild fire.

Our tongue controls what people think of us and actually what kind of a life we will have. Now maybe you think that is stretching it a bit far but I don't think so. Proverbs 18:21 says "The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit." We have the power of life and death in our words! That's pretty heady stuff! It has been proven that a child who has always been told that they are worthless will grow up believing that. It will affect their future relationships and their self worth. Rarely will they excell in any area of life all because of words.

I have seen a doctor tell a person they have only a certain amount of time to live and watch as that person gives up and spend their last days on earth depressed and despondant. And I have seen the opposite: I have seen a doctor tell someone with a terminal disease the same news and yet that person chooses to live life to the fullest and be one of the most positive people I know. What's the difference? I believe it's how the words were spoken to these people.

Our words are powerful. We have the power in our words to tear someone down or build them up. We have the power to speak blessings or curses. We've all heard the old saying 'sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me'. Well that's one of those old sayings that is not true. Words do hurt and the hurt that they cause can last for years. When I was in grade six, 11 yrs old, I was 5ft 7in. Needless to say everyone else in my class, including the boys, were under 5 ft. My classmates chose to give me a nickname because I stood out. I was called Moose. Oh it hurt. For years it hurt. It has only been the last couple of years that I can even talk about it. Words hurt.

We have the power in our little tongue to use it for good or for evil and the Bible says that we will be judged for every careless word. Matt.12:36 "But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken."That verse alone should make us be more careful with how we use our words. Words are powerful! God is listening to how we use our words, what we say, if we build each other up or tear one another down. And as Christians, the world is listening to how we talk too. Nothing will destroy a testimony faster than a hateful word given by a Christian. How we treat that sales clerk reflects on our walk with the Lord.

Let me encourage you to use your words wisely. Measure them out. Season them and make sure they are palatable to those receiving them. Choose to speak life to those around you. Choose to speak blessings! God bless.

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