Thursday, January 20, 2011

An On Going Work

We have been doing some renovating at the parsonage in which we live. We started on Monday tearing up the old floor of the living room, dining room, main hallway and foyer, painting the ceilings and walls and generally making everything look new again. All of this work was done in preparation of today,Thursday. Today the professionals come to install our new flooring to finish the job. It will take them two days so we're going to be camping at the church in the Sunday school rooms on air mattresses. It should be fun with five people and two dogs and all of the regular activities of the church still going on .But I love an adventure.  

All of this got me thinking about how God is never finished working on us. He is always shaping us into the people He wants us to be. We are always going to be a work in progress until we reach Heaven and are with Him eternally. Until then the Master Craftsman will continue moulding us and paring away the unsightly traits that we have developed until when the world sees us, they see Christ in us. The ultimate goal is to reflect Him.

Sometimes He allows trials to come into our life which shape us and make us stronger. Sometimes it is through the words of a sermon that He speaks to our hearts and convicts us to change. Sometimes He will speak to our hearts directly. Whatever the method it is all pointed towards one goal, to make us more like Him.

My renovation job is almost finished. But my heart's renovation job is an on going work.

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